Weekly Measurements - Week 6

September 9, 2015

So here we are, the half way mark of this journey of and again, there's not been a great change in measurements. Last week when this happened, I thought "Oh, ok, you know what, it will pick up next week" and now that it hasn't I guess I've been super cranky most of the week. But I'll keep this measurement post shortish and explain more about that in my next post.

Body shape wise, I can still see it changing and I pulled out a promo picture I took of myself for this blog, but haven't published till now. So the changes are pretty evident, as you will see from below.

Anyway, here it is, measurements for Week 6...

(cm)NeckChestUpper ArmWaistHipsUpper Thigh
Week 141.5110341009962
Week 240108.533.598.596.561
Week 339.510833.597.59562
Week 439.5104.533.2979362
Week 539.510533.596.59461.5
Week 639.5105.53395.59462
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 6 Body Pic